NHSD 2008 Motions

Motions for NHSD 2008

1. This house would allow specially trained nurses to perform services usually carried out by doctors.
2. This house believes influenza immunization should be mandatory for healthcare workers.
3. This house believes that health literacy should be the responsibility of health care professionals
4. This house would subject health professionals to mandatory ¡continuing education¢.
5. This house should no longer approve a drug if it offers only marginal benefits
6. This House would Compel Doctors to Report instances of Domestic Violence
7. This house would force Doctors to declare their profession before boarding an airplane
8. THW sue countries that produce their own generic drugs
9. THW sue tobacco companies for causing lung cancer
10. THW ban OTC nutritional supplements (steroids)
11. THBT fat kids should be sent to dietitians
12. THBT pharmacists must accompany doctors on consulting rounds
13. THBT that TCM units should not be set up in hospitals
14. THBT allied health professionals should do compulsory service in Malaysia
15. THW exempt privately funded medical graduates from compulsory service
16. THBT all private clinics to employ a pharmacist in their departments


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